[EveryDay English] Lesson 11: NOW OR LATER?

Chris, where are you going? 
I'm going to the store. I need to buy something. 
Really? I need to go to the store too. 
Would you like to come with me? 
Yeah, let's go together. 
Would you like to go now or later? 
Now would be better. 
OK, let's go. 
Should we walk? 
No, it's too far. Let's drive.
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Bài học 11 – Bây giờ hoặc sau?

Elizabeth      Chris, bạn đang đi đâu vậy? Chris, where are you going?

Chris         &nbs p;     Tôi đi cửa hàng. Tôi cần mua vài thứ. I’m going to the store. I need to buy something.

Elizabeth      Vậy hả? Tôi cũng cần đi ra cửa hàng. Really? I need to go to the store too.

Chris         &nbs p;     Bạn muốn đi với tôi không? Would you like to come with me?

Elizabeth      Vâng, chúng ta cùng đi. Yeah, let’s go together.

Chris               Bạn muốn đi bây giờ hay lát nữa? Would you like to go now or later?

Elizabeth      Bây giờ. Now.

Chris         &nbs p;     Cái gì? What?

Elizabeth      Bây giờ thì tốt hơn. Now would be better.

Chris         &nbs p;     Được, chúng ta hãy đi. OK, let’s go.

Elizabeth      Chúng ta nên đi bộ không? Should we walk?

Chris         &nbs p;     Không, xa lắm. Chúng ta hãy lái xe đi. No, it’s too far. Let’s drive.
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